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1. Factory Construction And Facility's Improvement And Power Saving Proposals

    And Consulting

  • System improvement and maintenance work of factory electrical and Mechanical Facility
  • Fabrication of MCC panel and control panel Engineering and design.
  • sales,Uninterruptive Power Supply (U.P.S), Auto Voltage Regulator (A.V.R).
  • SOLAR home backup System (PV PANEL CIGS)

2. Research, Development, And Sales Of Environmental Devices

  • Temperature, humidity Recorder (おんどとり), and non-contact thermometer and network data logger, etc.
  • Meteorological observation equipment (Weather station), rainfall, and velocity of the wind recorder,
  • Water analyses meter (PH・ORP・EC・TDS・COND) and CO2 density meter and recorder
  • sale Development of Solar system and PV panel (CIGS)


3. Equipment Export, Import, And Sales


  • Export of uninterruptive power supply (U.P.S), automatic voltage adjustment machine (A.V.R)
  • Sales of current sensor application product (U-RD) product
  • Sales of voltage, current, electric power Recorder, leak current recorder(MULTI),
    and measurement equipment (MULTI) product
  • Sales of instrumentation output Recorder (MCR-4V), and various measurement equipment,
    Recorders, and Wi-Ff data loggers(TR-71A2)(TR-72A2)


4. Power Monitoring And Measuring Service And Electricity Quality Analysis Service


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